Title: A Report from Winter
Author: Wayne Courtois
Genre: Memoir
URL: Amazon
Price: US$18.00
Summary (from the publisher): It’s January 1998, and the author is returning “home” after a ten-year absence to a Maine winter that’s even more brutal than usual. His mother, Jennie, is dying of cancer; she is well cared for, but unable to speak. Needing support, Wayne calls on his longtime partner, Ralph, who heads northeast for his first exposure to the Maine cold. It’s also his first brush with Wayne’s family, including a feisty aunt and an emotionally distant brother. The contrast between a nurturing gay relationship and dysfunctional family bonds is as sharp as the wind sweeping in from the sea. Leavened with humor, A Report from Winter weaves childhood memories with the harsh realities of a family life that’s short on love. The memoir is a tribute to hard-won relationships in an uncaring world.
My Review: There’s a freedom to reviewing a memoir that one seldom gets when reviewing fiction. On one hand, both narrative fiction and memoir can be held to the same standard when it comes to fluidity of prose, voice and style. On the other hand, one can’t apply the same standard when it comes to character arcs or “plot,” because in memoir, the author doesn’t have the luxury of instructing the characters to grow and change, to do his bidding. These are real people being depicted here; not fictional constructs, and as we all know, real life is seldom as neat and tidy as the fictional world. Some people don’t grow and change. Some moments aren’t satisfying, all wrapped up in a little bow or a happily-ever-after, and rose colored glasses don’t always work. So how does one go about reviewing a memoir?
For me, I have to look at it from two perspectives: does the author have a narrative style that draws the reader in, wraps him or her up in the lives he/she is spying in on, and does the writer strike emotional resonance with the reader, a universality in which a reader–no matter their orientation–can see him or herself? On both of these fronts, author Wayne Courtois excels in just about every way.
Title: Mouth of the Lion
Author: Lily Richards
Genre: Literary Fiction
URL: Casperian Books
Price: $15.00
Other Information/Warnings: Drug use, violence, explicit sex, cutting.